Open Data Catalogue BETA
The parcel dataset includes currently registered land parcels within the City limits. There are three types of parcels - ownership, crown and lease, and their attributes included in this kml data file are Site ID, Parcel Type, Neighbourhood ID, Zoning Designation, and Site Area. Users can download the parcel kml data from this Open Data site by choosing the kml file format.
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Dataset Details
Dataset name Parcel
Additional information Saskatoon OpenData -
Category Parcel
Released Date Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Last Updated Date Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Expired Date Friday, February 24, 2023
Update frequency 1 year
Description The parcel dataset includes currently registered land parcels within the City limits. There are three types of parcels - ownership, crown and lease, and their attributes included in this kml data file are Site ID, Parcel Type, Neighbourhood ID, Zoning Designation, and Site Area. Users can download the parcel kml data from this Open Data site by choosing the kml file format.
Status Published
Time period covered February 23, 2022
Geographic area covered City of Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Collection Mode The City's spatial data maintenance
Metadata Url
Keywords Saskatoon, Land Parcels, registered parcel, polygon
Links and references Saskatoon OpenData -
Collection Instruments
Technical Documentation
Data Dictionary/Variables
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